Auteur: donnomomo
Did a interactive concept-pitch at Mediawijzermarkt in Hilversum.
Trying to fit a great multi-touch installation concept for libraries and schools in just four minutes is a hell of a job. But I did it and I even cramped a lot of visual goodies in there too. If you are interested in reading more about this parent-child concept, just contact me. Here are some…
OpenArch Presentation at Archeon
It was a beautiful day to be visiting the open air museum Archeon. I was asked to speak on this conference to give my personal and professional perspective on the dialogue with the visitor. I gathered lots of examples and imagery to support my talk and wanted to share my opinion of certain elements I…
So you think you can ‘APP’ concept winner amongst 4 others to present in Adam next week
Super.. De realisatie van mijn app-concept voor FNV KIEM is een stapje dichter bij. Wat een leuke verrassing en waardering. “Beste Don, De jury van ‘So You Think You Can App?’, met daarin vertegenwoordigers van KIEM en appril, heeft zich gebogen over de ongeveer twintig inzendingen. En heeft gekozen voor vijf concepten die…
Talking on OpenARCH Conference 23 april about games and outdoor museums The conference will revolve around The Dialogue with the Visitor. Archaeological Open-Air Museums(AOAM) face unique challenges concerning their interaction with visitors. Through themes concerning the Story of the Site and the Visitors Experience, we will explore these challenges and how to meet them. During the conference, speakers from various disciplines and backgrounds will engage the visitors and each…
Developing concept interactive wall for provincial libraries
Together with several partners studio NoMoreMondays is developing a physical solution
A few projects I worked on in the last years
As Creative director of NoMoMo and with former employer IJSfontein, Don worked on lots and lots of project, the last 12 years. These are a small collection of fun,kids-related, online projects
Attending Moving Stories Event Looking forward to get inspired and inspire other.
Popular iOS app ‘Club van Sint’ being downloaded 24.703 times in a total of 8 weeks
Deze app is ontwikkeld door No More Mondays en Appcentric, samen met RTL4 Nederland. Vorig jaar was de iPhone/iPad app al meer dan twaalf duizend keer gedownload. in 2012 nog een keer zoveel. NoMoMo’s onderdeel was concept en gedeeltelijk design. Er was nl. al een verplichte set aan vormgegeven pieten. Download hem nu! TV promo:…
Voor IJsfontein ontwikkelde NoMoMo een aantal online lessen ism SOA AIDS NL waarmee het onlangs gepubliceerde magazine ‘Lang Leve de Liefde’ enkele hoofdstukken digitaal kon aanbieden in een tevens kleurrrijke en interactieve manier. NoMoMo was verantwoordelijk voor zowel visueel, interactie ontwerp als programmeren. De levendige lessen omhelzen taboe-thema’s als seks, ongewenst zwangerschap, online-chatgebruik en loverboys…
bezoek aan LEGO, Billund DK
NoMoMo was asked to consult LEGO, IDEA HOUSE to develop a visually attractive and up to date ‘onboarding’ project, in which new co-workers could get a virtual tour of the LEGO IDEA HOUSE; The IDEA HOUSE is the startingpoint of ALL that is LEGO, being the house Ole Kirk Christiansen was living and invented the…